Saturday, May 20, 2023


第一集的《瘦身与降低胆固醇的秘诀》准备好了, 请大家一起学习哦~ 😊👍
1. 高胆固醇会引起什么问题?
2. 胆固醇没有控制好,身体会出现什么先兆?
3. 胆固醇太低对身体好吗?
4. 老人经常脚抽筋, 难道跟高胆固醇有关系?
5. 中医怎么看高胆固醇问题?
6. 胆固醇太高会影响性生活吗?
7. 降低胆固醇的秘诀包括哪三个方面?
8. 降低胆固醇能够同时达到减肥效果吗?


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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#中医 #皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒 #针灸美容 #中医美容 #皱纹 #雀斑 #黄褐斑 #黑斑 #眼袋 #暗疮 #富贵手 #干癣 #胆固醇 #中医养生 #针灸美容

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Abdominal psoriasis with accumulation of toxins. With Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)

The manifestations of skin diseases are ever-changing, each patient has a very different condition, and the herbal prescription will of course change, so as to help the patient restore healthy skin as soon as possible. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, abdomen is the place where five Zang-viscera store essence, six Fu-viscera regulate Qi and blood. Diseases and toxins in the organs must be reflected on the skin surface. The picture shows abdominal psoriasis. After treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, except for the disappearance of rash, the volume of abdominal fat has decreased a bit. In short, traditional Chinese medicine has a remarkable effect on skin diseases. As long as you treat it patiently, you can regain beautiful skin within 2 to 3 weeks! Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 (Alexander Ho) , let me help you to have a healthy skin again. Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness


皮肤病的表现千变万化, 每一个病人都有很不一样的病情,而药方当然会有变化,这样才能帮助病人早日恢复健康的皮肤。腹部为五脏藏精气,六腑的气血流转之处,脏腑有疾有毒,必反应在体表。图为腹部牛皮癣,经中药调理,除了红疹消退,腹部赘肉体积减少了。 总之中药对皮肤疾病的调理效果显着, 只要耐心地调理,在两三周内可重新拥有漂亮的皮肤。

拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒


这位病人的配合度很高,他刚上来我的诊所时,是以十分绝望的表情看着我说:“我已经看过很多医生了,请把我这个死马当活马治吧!” 我说:“好吧!我就用中药试一试!” 结果只用了三个星期就处理好下肢浮肿的问题,另外还让牛皮癣停止脱屑,并且催生新的皮肤。 其实牛皮癣病不难治, 只要使用中医的方法, 再加上每天排便和吃半公斤的蔬菜水果,皮肤的问题很快就能够解决! * 拍照对比有的时候会很难,因为角度的问题, 再加上皮肤的改变太大了,难免会有人质疑,不过这些都是使用中医中药的方法取得成功的案例,治疗的过程中完全没有使用任何西药。 联系电话号码 011-70195820。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒

"I have seen many doctors, please treat me as if I were a dead horse!" (Customer success stories and testimonials)

Another inspiring success story! This patient cooperated very well. When he first came to my clinic, he looked at me with a very desperate expression and said: "I have seen many doctors, please treat me as if I were a dead horse!" I said, "Okay! I'll try it with traditional Chinese medicine!" As a result, it took only three weeks to solve the problem of lower extremity edema. In addition, the psoriasis stopped desquamation and new skin reborned. In fact, psoriasis is not difficult to treat, as long as we use traditional Chinese medicine methods, plus advise our patients to defecate every day and eat half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits, the skin problem can be solved quickly! * Sometimes it is difficult to compare photos, because of the problem of the angle, and the improvement of the skin is too big, it is inevitable that some people will question it, but these are all successful cases of using traditional Chinese medicine to treat acute and chronic skin conditions, and there is no usage of western medicine or illegal drugs. Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 (Alexander Ho) Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 011-70195820 E-mail : #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness

Leg psoriasis with complicated and difficult to heal condition, it turns out that this disease is creating troubles behind it! (Customer success stories and testimonials)

Yesterday, a new patient asked me to look at his legs. After careful examination, I found that it was psoriasis, but it was just a symptom. So what is the root of the problem, what is its cause? In addition to desquamation and itching, the temperature below the ankle is relatively high, redness, and there are early signs of ulcers. Could it be the early symptoms of "diabetic foot"? After questioning, the patient finally told the truth, and it turned out that his diabetes was not well controlled! First stage, I used Chinese herbs to tonify the five organs and Yin essence. The patient returned to the clinic 2 weeks later with a satisfied smile on his face. He also said that the skin of the whole body seemed to have become smooth and fair. And recently he also noticed the morning wood visit him again. This time he happily took another month of Chinese herbal supplements for his skin. Another month later, I sent a text message to ask how's things going on, and he told me that the psoriasis on his legs was basically cured! Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 (Alexander Ho) Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness


昨天,这位新病人要求何医师看看他腿部的皮肤问题,仔细检查发现那是牛皮癣,不过这只是个标,那么问题的根源,它的本质是什么呢?除了脱屑、瘙痒,脚踝以下温度比较高、泛红,还有溃疡的先兆, 莫非是“糖尿病足”早期症状?一问之下,病人才从实招来,果然是糖尿病没控制好!何医师用调补五脏阴精的中药,两个星期后病人复诊,脸上挂上满意的笑容,还说全身皮肤好像变得又滑又嫩,最近早晨的帐篷还搭上来了!这次开开心心又拿了一个月的中药调理身体。又过了一个月,传短讯问候,病人告诉何医师,腿部牛皮癣基本痊愈了! 拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒


男,51岁,2021年1月,皮肤突然出现块状丘疹及脱屑。同年6月向皮肤专科医生求助,诊断为银屑病(俗称牛皮癣),治疗3个月无效。2022年年头转看中医, 吃中药两个月,皮肤有所改善, 不过后来出现腹部胀满、食欲旺盛及便秘而中断治疗。今年9月,牛皮癣开始严重化, 皮肤变得又干又痒,夜间游走性瘙痒难耐,如虫钻心,严重影响睡眠。 11月来谦和堂求诊,除了皮肤病,病史还包括尿酸、糖尿病及高血压。当时以《易经》及《五运六气》理论开方,调补肝肾阴精,清理脏腑湿毒邪气。服中药两周, 脱胎换骨,前后判若两人,皮肤还变得又白又嫩。病人临走前, 露出满意笑容说:“十分感谢您,我的皮肤有救了!现在换衣服不用挥洒皮屑如雪花!”我说不必客气, 要感谢的是先祖的智慧及中华传统医学的伟大! 拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒

14 Days Chinese herbs against stubborn psoriasis


Male, 51 years old, in January 2021, massive papules and desquamation suddenly appeared on the skin. In June of the same year, he sought help from a dermatologist and was diagnosed with psoriasis, then took treatment for 3 months was ineffective. At the beginning of 2022,He visited a local Chinese medicine doctor. After taking Chinese medicine for two months, his skin improved. However, the treatment was interrupted because of abdominal fullness, strong appetite and constipation. In September of this year, psoriasis began to become severe, and the skin became dry and itchy. The migratory itching at night was unbearable, like insects biting, which seriously affected sleep. In November, He came to my herbal center Homodesty Consultancy for herbal treatment. In addition to skin diseases, his medical history also included uric acid, diabetes and high blood pressure. At that time, the prescription was according to the theory of "Book of Changes" and "Five Movements and Six Dlimates ", to regulate the Yin essence of the liver and kidney, and to clean up the viscera's dampness, toxins and evil qi. After taking traditional Chinese medicine for two weeks, his skin was completely reborn, and became whiter and tenderer. Before he left my center, he showed a satisfied smile and said: "Thank you very much, my skin has been saved! Now I don't need to scatter skin flakes like snowflakes when changing clothes!" ! Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple #HandEczema #HousewifeDermatitis #HandDermatitis

年轻人的烦恼 -- “那话儿”太短了,又能做什么来达到增粗增大增长的效果?


一位大概23岁的年轻人,上门求诊要求治疗暗疮问题, 我仔细检查后,发现他精神十分紧张,睡眠差,容易醒,烦躁多梦。治疗了几次, 他才愿意坦开心胸说自己从十七岁开始就很自卑,每然没有女朋友,但是很在意“那话儿”不够长。在征求他的同意后,我看了一下,虽然不至于三公分以下, 但是对于一个体型魁梧,长相俊秀的年轻人来说,尺寸问题或多或少打击了他的信心, 从谈话中, 我慢慢了解暗疮的问题不是源自于情绪不稳定与压力过大,而是在意“那话儿”的尺寸。 除了治疗暗疮,我为他客制化一支中药外涂液,每天涂“那话儿”两次, 再加上几分钟按摩。 两个星期后,透过手机追访,年轻人说那话儿增长了,接下来还来了好几次调理身体。 青少年发育期间, 特别重视身高,男少年有可能因为“那话儿” 发育慢而烦恼、自卑, 一旦错过了发育时期就很难再变长, 所以超过十八岁就很难“大器晚成”。中药外涂液本来是谦和堂的跌打用途配方,现在特别为这位年轻人做了一些改良,用了活血化瘀的草药, 主要还是通过疏通血管,促进血液循环,达到增粗增大增长的效果,大大地挽回年轻人对自己身体的自信。至于有没有办法让成年人能够达到永久效果? 这个要等以后累积更多的病例才能下定论,效果可能因人而异。 总之, 看重自己更胜于常规,珍惜自己,拥有属于自己的幸福标准更重要! 祝大家有幸福美满的生活! Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医 #皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒 #阴茎太短 #阳具太短

新冠肺炎疫苗副作用,不用担心,用中药,一切都解决了 ! (客户的成功故事和推荐)


83岁老爷爷一年前施打第三剂新冠肺炎疫苗后,身体各处瘙痒、长时间饱受折磨与煎熬。现在手部长了一颗又一颗的毒疮,又红又痒、还渗水。看遍西医都措手无策,经何医师诊断为本虚标实之肾精亏虚,痰湿阻滞气机,开两个星期中药配调理。昨天复诊,手部皮肤比施打疫苗前更美,如果不是拍照做了对比,根本没有人会相信这是中药能够做到的效果 😊👍 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 011-70195820 E-mail : #Covid19 #Vaccine #Homodesty #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Allergies #Eczema #Psoriasis #KotaKinabalu #Sabah #谦和堂 #中医皮肤科 #疫苗后遗症 #新冠肺炎 #湿疹 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣

Covid 19 vaccine side effect and skin allergic. With Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)


After received the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine a year ago, an 83 years old man suffered from itching all over his body, suffered from torture for a long time. Now his hands have pathopyretic sores, which are red, itchy, and oozing. After treated by western medicine several times without good result, he came to me for Chinese medicine treatment. I diagnosed his health as deficiency of kidney essence, phlegm and dampness blocking Qi, and prescribed traditional Chinese medicine for two weeks. After the follow-up visit yesterday, the skin on the hand becomes more beautiful than before the vaccination. If it wasn’t for taking photos for comparison, no one would believe that this is the miracle of Chinese medicine of treating acute skin disease like this. Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820
Website :
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple #HandEczema #HousewifeDermatitis #HandDermatitis #Covid19 #Vaccine

Psoriasis and the career of a chef. With Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)


This is the story of my patient.  His restaurant may have to fire him because of his psoriasis is getting worse and his boss afraid of the scaly skin patches will affect food hygiene.  

I helped him with Chinese herbs for 3 weeks. Due to his high level of cooperation, I basically settled the scaling problem.  Later, the western medicine consultant from his restaurant called to ask me about his skin condition. Of course I explained everything to him clearly. For whatever it is, I really hope my patient can keep his job. Traditional Chinese medicine improves psoriasis is only a piece of cake, the key is the patient's cooperation to ensure the efficacy.

One of the reasons why psoriasis is very difficult to manage is because of diet. If you have psoriasis, please remember to abstain from spicy food and avoid beef, mutton, crab, shrimp and alcohol.  Some people may retort: "if I can't eat everything as I like , so what's the point of being a human being?" The Chinese medicine view is that each person's internal organs have strengths and weaknesses, and some people have no problem eating the above-mentioned foods, but it does not mean that they have no other nemesis.

It makes the situation even worse if one knows that those foods are the nemesis, but still eating those foods.  I once saw a boss who suffered from psoriasis for many years. He completely ignored the taboo. He smoked and drank alcohol, and ate food that can caused allergic reaction. In the worst case, the dose of steroids and anti-allergic injections was not used less, and the itching was suppressed.  But the skin is tattered and damaged. However, I think that it is better for people to have some precepts, and to manage their bodies with self-discipline in order to improve the quality of life.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820
Website :
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple  #Dermatitis

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

What to do if you have dry skin naturally? With traditional Chinese medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)


What to do if you have dry skin naturally?

This is the case of last year. I am busy and have no time to sort out the successful case from Mr. H, a 28-year-old unmarried man until today. Mr. H has been facing the problem of dry skin, scaling and itching all over his body since he was a child. As long as the weather is hot, there will be red rashes, and sweating a lot, the skin is prone to itching and redness, red rashes on the palms of the hands and feet, and the skin is more itchy before going to bed, and it is pleasant to scratch the skin. In terms of food, as long as he eats shrimp and Thai hot and sour soup, he will be severely allergic.

He have skin problems since he was a child. This is a congenital deficiency factor, usually due to liver and kidney deficiency. This is caused by the mother not taking good care of her diet when she was pregnant, and eating allergic foods frequently. According to the tradition of the Filipinos, pregnant women drink coconut water and take honey every day, and the skin of their children will be very beautiful. There is a certain truth here.

I took Mr. H's pulse, the left pulse was stringy and slippery, the Chi place at the wrist was weak, but the right pulse was strong. The left side is Yang, and the strings are the signs of excessive liver wood in Jue Yin meridian. The left chi channel governs the rise of kidney Qi, and the right chi pulse governs the descending of kidney Yin. The strength of the right chi means that the Yin essence is insufficient and cannot be stored, so the Yin deficiency disturbs the yang. After one month of conditioning with traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment methods of nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, nourishing Qi and invigorating spleen have greatly improved the skin's moisture level, and greatly relieved itching and restlessness. As shown in the picture, the skin on the back is like a new layer of skin , the complexion is whiter and more radiant than before.

For the problem of congenital dry skin, avoid spicy and fried food in daily diet, and eat more whole grains such as sesame seeds, walnuts, honey, sugar cane, lilium lancifolium Thunb, lotus seeds, polygonatum odoratum, and white fungus. Of course, when the problem is serious, it is recommended to see a Chinese medicine doctor for targeted treatment.

I am Alexander Ho, Chinese Medicine Physician. For more questions about skin conditioning, please contact me, thank you!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820
Website :
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple  #Dermatitis

Hand eczema is the most difficult to treat? With Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)


Hand eczema is the most difficult to treat? With traditional Chinese medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)

Do you know? The skin disease of the hands is the most difficult to treat, and it has always been difficult to heal. The reason is very simple. First, hands are in contact with a lot of "dirty things" all the time. If you are not careful, you will get a highly contagious skin disease; second, the damaged hands that already have skin diseases still need to touch Alcohol disinfectant (during the epidemic), or frequent hand washing such as cooking and housework.

So, I thought of the "skin fallow method". That is to find the moment to stop irritating the skin, for example, after dinner, until the next morning, a total of more than ten hours for the skin to rest, and to receive the repair time of external application of traditional Chinese medicine.

Regarding external application of traditional Chinese medicine, Homodesty herbal skin center  has a traditional Chinese medicine mask powder called Kochia mask, which can relieve itching, reduce redness and resist allergies. It has always been used to deal with allergic dark spot skin problems. I have patients apply it on their hands before going to bed, and the first few days they report good results, but the skin is a bit dry. Later, the patient remembered that there were some non-medicinal basic moisturizing lotions at home, so we decided to mix the Chinese medicine powder and lotion and apply them on hands.

Unexpectedly, after a week, the patient's hand has improved a lot. Later, the patient came up with a whim and found that adding more Chinese medicine powder can enhance the efficacy of the medicine. If it is to be used as a general moisturizer, the proportion of lotion should be more and the Chinese medicine powder should be less. So, smart patients are sometimes our inspirations.

Therefore, I introduce Homodesty herbal skin center's Kochia mask to all friends who suffer from hand skin diseases. This natural Chinese medicine product will definitely improve your hands within a week, and the itching effect is also good!

Friends from all over Malaysia who are interested in buying, please contact me, thank you for your support!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820
Website :
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple #HandEczema #HousewifeDermatitis #HandDermatitis

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

身体多处脱屑日益严重? 不用担心,用中药,一切都解决了 ! (客户的成功故事和推荐)


以下分享某个友族厨师的故事。当初上门求诊是餐厅集团可能要解雇他,因为身体多处脱屑日益严重,怕影响食物卫生。由于他的配合程度高,愿意忌口,我用了三个星期的中药,基本摆平了脱屑问题。后来公司的西医顾问亲自打电话给我,询问厨师的皮肤状况,该说的我都给他清楚说明。因为厨师来找我的时候时间太短,我们最多能够做到这种效果,以后是否能够保住工作就要看他的造化了。 中药调理牛皮癣仅小菜一碟,关键是病人的配合高才能确保疗效。 牛皮癣的病情反复,变得越来越复杂、难于治理的其中一个原因,是不忌口。注意!有牛皮癣的朋友,记得一定要戒辛辣食物,发物如:牛肉、羊肉、螃蟹、虾及酒类。 有人可能反驳:“什么都不能吃,那么做人有什么意思?”中医的看法是,每一个人的五脏都有强弱,有些体质吃了上述的食物没有问题, 但是不代表他们就没有其他的克星。 如果一个人明知道那些食物是克星,但是完全不想理会,那就会令情况更加糟糕。我曾经看过一个长年累月受牛皮癣折磨的老总,完全不理会忌口这件事,又烟又酒,吃香喝辣,最严重的时候,类固醇及抗敏针的剂量没有少用,瘙痒压下来了,但是皮肤破破烂烂, 变得人不像人、鬼不像鬼。 不过我认为人有一些戒律比较好,自律地管理好身体,才能提高生活品质。 拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒

天生皮肤干燥该怎么办 ?用中药,一切都解决了 ! (客户的成功故事和推荐)


这是去年的病例,我这个人比较忙,没时间整理成功的病例,一直延迟到今天才分享这一例28岁未婚H先生的成功故事。H先生从幼时就面对全身皮肤干燥、脱屑及瘙痒难耐的问题。只要天气热,就会出红疹,而出汗多,皮肤又容易发痒泛红,手脚心出红疹,睡前皮肤更痒,抓破皮肤才痛快。在食物方面,只要吃了虾、泰式酸辣汤就会严重过敏。 从小就有皮肤问题,这是先天不足的因素, 通常都是肝肾不足。 这是母亲怀孕的时候没有照顾好饮食,加上频吃“发物”造成的。 菲律宾人的传统,怀孕的女人每天喝椰水及服食蜂蜜,生出来的孩子皮肤都很漂亮,这里有一定的道理。 我把H先生的脉,左脉弦滑,尺弱而无力,右脉尺反而有力。左为阳,弦为厥阴肝木太过之象,肝木旺克脾土,滑脉主濡滞,除了皮肤问题,难怪还有腹胀。左尺脉主肾气之升,右尺主肾阴之降,右尺有力为阴精不足,不能封藏,故阴不足而扰阳。中药调理一个月,采用滋补肝肾、养阴生津、益气健脾等治法,皮肤滋润程度大大提高,瘙痒、烦热大大减轻,如图中所示,背部皮肤如同换了一层新皮,肤色比之前嫩白、有光泽。 针对先天皮肤干燥问题,平时的饮食忌辛辣、油炸之品,多吃芝麻、核桃、蜂蜜、甘蔗、百合、莲子、玉竹、银耳等五谷杂粮。当然,问题严重时还是建议先看中医进行针对性的调理。 我是何敬意中医师,有关更多皮肤调理的疑问,欢迎联络我,谢谢! 拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒

富贵手最难治? 用中药,一切都解决了 ! (客户的成功故事和推荐)

你们知道吗?手的皮肤病最难治,一直都很难痊愈。原因很简单, 第一、手每时每刻都接触很多“脏东西”,一个不小心会中到传染性极强的皮肤病;第二、原本已经有皮肤病且破损的手, 还需要接触酒精消毒液(疫情期间),或做菜、做家务等频繁洗手的工作。

于是,我想到“皮肤休耕法”。那是找出停止刺激皮肤的时刻, 比如说晚餐之后, 一直到第二天早上, 一共超过十多个小时让皮肤休息,并且接受中药外涂的修复时间。 有关中药外涂,谦和堂有一种叫Kochia mask的止痒退红抗敏的中药面膜粉,一直以来都是用来处理过敏型黑斑皮肤问题。 我让病人在睡前涂在手上, 刚开始几天反馈效果不错,只不过皮肤有点干。后来,病人想起家里还有一些没有药性的基础润肤乳液,就这样我们决定就把中药粉和乳液调均涂手。 想不到一个星期后,病人的手有了很大的改善。 后来,这个病人突发奇想, 发现中药粉放多一点可以增强药效,若要作为一般的润肤使,乳液的比例多一点,中药粉又少一些。 所以说,聪明的病人有时也是我们灵感的启发者。 因此,我介绍谦和堂 Kochia mask 给所有饱受手部皮肤病折磨的朋友们,这个天然中药产品一定能让你们的手在一个星期内获得到很好的改善,而且止痒效果也不错! 全马各地有兴趣购买的朋友,欢迎联络我, 拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),谢谢你们的支持! Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #富贵手 #湿疹 #皮肤过敏 #干癣 #瘙痒 #湿疹

谦和堂针灸美容体验日,预约者可免费获得一次针灸治疗!Cosmetic Acupuncture Experience Day, get a free cosmetic acupuncture session now!

四月八日(星期六)为谦和堂针灸美容体验日,预约者可免费获得一次针灸治疗! 机会难得,位子有限,赶快行动哦~

April 8th (Saturday) is our Cosmetic Acupuncture Experience Day, make an appointment and get a free session now! Rare opportunity, limited seats, hurry up~ 针灸美容主要是通过调节气血的运行、调节脏腑的功能来达到美容的目的。按照西医的理论,是促进微循环、改善细胞代谢,促进代谢废物的排出,调节内分泌。 Cosmetic Acupuncture (also known as Facial Acupuncture) mainly achieves the purpose of cosmetology by regulating the movement of qi and blood and regulating the functions of viscera. According to the theory of Western medicine, it is to promote microcirculation, improve cell metabolism, promote the discharge of metabolic waste and regulate endocrine. 若出现面容憔悴,皮肤苍老晦暗、弹性减弱,皱纹渐增、黑斑丛生等,可以通过脸部针灸改善。通过针灸美容可以紧实肌肤、祛斑祛皱、美白润肤、消疮抗敏及放松情绪,舒解压力。 If the face is haggard, the skin is old and dull, the elasticity is weakened, wrinkles are increasing, and dark spots are clustered, etc., it can be improved through facial acupuncture. Facial Acupuncture beauty treatment can tighten the skin, remove freckles, dark patches and wrinkles, brighten and moisturize the skin, relieve sores and allergies, relax emotions, and relieve stress. #中医 #皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒 #针灸美容 #中医美容 #皱纹 #雀斑 #黄褐斑 #黑斑 #眼袋 #暗疮 #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple